1981 - Eugene, Oregon
in cooperation with Eugene Parks and Recreation Department
Co-Produced and Directed by Tony Rust, Glenn Perry, Janet R. Thorstenson and Kathy Johnson
Musical Director - Glenn Perry Choreographer - Janet R. Thorstenson
Yes, it's all for the best...
foreground: Dave Cunningham and Tony Rust
background: Mary Phifer, Mark Larson, Robin Patterson, Shannon O'Curran, Kelly Limbaugh, Shawni Modrell (hidden), Martin Oroyan, Janet R. Thorstenson and Todd Hermanson
top to bottom: Shawni and Janet, Kathy, Martin, and Shannon, Kelly, Robin, Mark, and Todd with Mary in the Rear
Jesus (Tony Rust)
Animal, Tony and Dave
Glenn Perry and
Norma Hoefer
Pretty much everything I do is in memory of Glenn... including naming my son
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