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Flyer art by Lambert Moss

THE TEMPEST DIRECTED BY TONY RUST at the SOHO REP THEATER (the same space as our previous season at the Walker Street Theater, but under new management) March 8th through the 24th 1991


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  Bill Christ as Prospero, Julie Rapoport as Miranda and Dexter Jones as Ferdinand (promo photo)

tempest promo duo.jpg (63590 bytes)Julie Rapoport and Dexter Jones (promo photo)


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Dexter Jones, Bill Christ, Julie Rapoport and Janet Rust as Ariel

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Victoria M. Frazier (seated) as Queen Alonsa, Dawna Bailey as Sebastianna, Phillip Douglas as Anthonio, Donald Sadler as Adrian, Michael Burgi as Francisco and Tony Rust as Gonzalo


tempest prospero and caliban.jpg (87019 bytes) Tim Zay as Caliban and Bill Christ as Prospero

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Kevin Hills as Trinculo, Tim Zay as Caliban, and Michael Kumor as Stephano

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  tempest sleepers.jpg (28323 bytes) Janet Rust as Ariel, Donald Sadler, Michael Burgi, Tony Rust and Victoria M. Frazier (all sleeping) Dawna Bailey and Phillip Douglas (to the rear)


Directors Tony Rust and Denise Dalfo
Composer George Croom
Costumes Christianne Myers
Stage Manager Gloria MacBride
Lighting Designer Anthony Ferrer
Sebastianna Dawna Bailey
Francisco Michael Burgi
Prospero Bill Christ
Anthonio Phillip Douglas
Queen Alonsa Victoria M. Frazier
Juno/Choir Denni Lee Heiges
Trinculo Kevin Hills
Ferdinand Dexter Jones
Stephano Michael Kumor
Miranda Julie Rapoport
Gonzalo Tony Rust
Adrian Donald Sadler
Bosun/Iris/Choir Matthew Shiner
Ceres/Choir Florence Sturgeon
Caliban Tim Zay

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